Saturday, June 7, 2008

Too Much Time on My Paws - Lou's First Post

So if I wasn't emasculated enough living with 4 women, the gals have really tipped the eunuch scales tonight. I obediently put myself to bed with the little girls until I was awakened by the familiar clink of ice cubes in a glass. BIG MISTAKE. I came out to find my two moms enjoying a drankity drank (or 4) in the "library". I was getting a lovely ear job from my mom when my Udder Mudder had the brilliant idea to paint one toenail - of MINE! I acquiesced - any attention is better than no attention at all. Udder Mudder painted the whole damned foot - luckily I had that worthless dew claw clipped as a baby, only leaving four toenails available. Adding insult to injury they photographed the whole disaster. Overall, my first pawdicure wasn't too bad, i must admit.


Lou Dog aka Louise

1 comment:

brian9898 said...

Hey Lou -- Sorry about that, dude. One of these nights we're gonna drink some Buds and scratch, burp and fart the whole freakin' night while we watch cheesy 80s porn (the only kind insecure straight men like us can watch together unless there's one or more women also watching in which case both of us are a bottle of tequila short of a really good time, but I digress). After a manly chewbacca or two, you'll find your inner beast again. In the meantime, the only thing saving you is that you're sleeping with hot chicks every night.